The Motherbloom: Keaton Jane Taylor

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Keaton Jane Taylor, founder of The Motherbloom, is on a mission to bring Pleasure, Passion & Power back into motherhood.  She sees Mothers as the worlds greatest untapped resource, and is devoted to showing moms how to cultivate epic intimacy with themselves & their partners, bring sensuality into their everyday lives and have better sex than they ever did before having kids.

Here she answers the “The Mama Sex Six”:

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the phrase "mama sex"?

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear Mamasex is Rebirth. For most women around the world, our sexual relationship with ourselves and our partner isn’t as good as it could be, even before having kids. Then after we give birth, anything that wasn’t working just gets amplified. Too many women simply accept or even endure sexual connection that doesn’t nourish them as much as it could, but after becoming moms, we really do get to recreate our sexual experience. Our body offers us the opportunity to re-evaluate what feels good and what doesn't, what we like and what we don’t. I think the cultural narrative is one of ending, but I believe it’s an incredible chance to rebirth our entire relationship with sexuality. 

What inspired you to work/create/advocate on the topic of "mama sex"?

I’ve been studying all things Sexuality, self pleasure, intimacy, and reclamation of female empowerment for over a decade. I’ve been teaching Tantra and Somatic Sex education for years and consider myself something of a specialist on the topic of sexuality. And even with all my education, pregnancy and postpartum presented so many challenges. I felt lost in so many ways, and when I went looking for guidance, I found virtually no resources for moms looking to reconnect to their sexual space. There were so many women suffering and so few people talking about solutions for them. So I shifted my practice from working with men, women and couples to working exclusively with moms. Mothers are an untapped resource in this world- when we are disconnected from our sexuality, sensuality, pleasure and passion, we stay removed from the essential greatness of who we are. The world needs sexually empowered women, and the world needs children to grow up in homes that support their fullness. It’s mama’s time to shine :) 

In your work/practice/art, what are the biggest hurdles mothers are facing in terms of their sexuality?

There’s still so much taboo around the notion that mothers even SHOULD feel empowered in their sexuality. There’s still this archaic notion floating around in our collective psyche that the experience of being sexual and orgasmic stops at motherhood. So there’s a lot of cultural conditioning women need to face in order to step into a life of fulfillment, which really is our birthright. Also, most women I speak with have been relying on their partner to “give them” pleasure, and have little to no idea how to do it themselves. Then once their body changes after birth, their old tricks no longer work, their husbands are at a loss of how to pleasure them, and then the relationship tends to suffer. Sovereignty around self pleasure is a huge obstacle to our collective empowerment. 

What do you think society at large should know about motherhood and sexuality? And what is society getting wrong right now in regards to it?

I think society needs to know that motherhood is a BEGINNING, not an end. Your sex life can either fade away and die, or can completely rebirth and bloom. It’s up to the woman to decide. The mother archetype isn’t where sexuality ends, it’s actually an initiation into a new chapter of a woman’s development where she actually needs more sex, better sex, more fulfilling sex that actually nourishes her. Motherhood is when a woman takes her sexuality into her own hands, and lets go of old roles that she accepted before- like sex being a chore, or something she had to “give” to her husband, or something she had to do to be “normal”. Motherhood is when she takes her power back and uses her sexuality as a healing modality, a meditation, a space of play and form of self care. 

What piece of sex advice would you give mothers? Was there something you wish someone had told you?

Let go of everything you knew (or thought you knew) before having kids. Chances are it was all wrong anyway. For the most part, our sexual experience has been taught to us by mainstream media, which is dominated and designed by men. Our education has never actually been geared towards female pleasure, and especially not maternal pleasure. Let your new relationship with sex, intimacy and pleasure be based on YOUR new body, what makes YOU feel good and what turns YOU on. Sex won’t look like what we’ve been taught it “should”, and that is a good thing. 

Let's amplify our voice: Who are some mamas you love following on social media?







Keaton Jane Taylor, founder of The Motherbloom offers the following services:

  • 1:1 Coaching Immersions for Mothers 

  • Events, workshops, conferences & retreats 

  • @the_motherbloom 


Sheila Starr Siani


Baeleche: Bree Leche