Sarah Forbes Sarah Forbes

Sex Educator & Founder of The Pleasure Anarchist: Katy DeJong

Katy DeJong (she/her) is a sex educator, philosopher and founder of The Pleasure Anarchist. She explores how the physical, and psycho-social experiences of infertility impact how we express ourselves, sexually. Through her workshops, writing, and advocacy work, she facilitates the deep introspection necessary for sexual healing and body liberation. Pleasure Anarchy is a term she uses to communicate her commitment to challenging any system or culture that creates or upholds moralistic views about bodies, the value they possess, and the pleasure they’re allowed to feel. Beliefs that prioritize certain bodies and experiences over others, based on sexuality, body size, health & ability, race, gender, or parental status are critiqued.

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Sarah Forbes Sarah Forbes

Founder of Ember: Dr. Abby Girard

Dr. Abby is the founder of Ember, a sex therapist/researcher/educator, a licensed couple and family therapist, and a wife and mother. With 10 years of experience, Dr. Abby has spent a lot of time with women and couples focused on understanding and restoring their sex lives and LOVES helping people learn and grow.

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Sarah Forbes Sarah Forbes

The MamaSutra: Dr. Lanae St.John

Dr. Lanae St.John is a board certified sexologist, certified sex coach, and sexuality educator based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is author of Read Me: A Parental Primer for “The Talk”. St.John has appeared on many podcasts, live talk radio shows, and is quoted frequently in articles on sites such as Oprah, Forbes, and CNN. She is the founder of The MamaSutra, a site that encourages accurate and direct education about sexuality.

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Sarah Forbes Sarah Forbes

Womb Medicine: Kristin Hauser

Kristin Hauser is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist, somatic sex educator and mama of two. She is also the founder of Womb Medicine, an educational platform for embodied healing for women’s sexual health. Her clinical practice is focused on womb cycle vitality and hormonal resilience, fertility through postpartum.

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Sarah Forbes Sarah Forbes

The Happy Vagina Project: Sofia Ashley

Sofia Ashley is the founder of the Happy Vagina Project. She is a certified sexuality coach and sex educator, mother, step-mother, feminist and entrepreneur. She is passionate about supporting mothers to reclaim their sex lives and themselves to become the parents, partners and people they want to be.

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Sarah Forbes Sarah Forbes

Sex Coach Kaci: Kaci Mial

Kaci Mial, M.Ed. has worked in the realm of sex education and family wellness as a coach, educator, and researcher for the past ten years. Kaci offers sex coaching to individuals and couples who are looking to increase pleasure while trying to conceive, during pregnancy, and postpartum in addition to her work as an infant massage and pre/postnatal yoga instructor.

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